1. Breitmaier E, Voelter W (1987) Carbon-13 NMR spectroscopy, 3rd edn. VCH, Weinheim
2. European Norm EN 312-1 (1996) Particleboard. Part 1: general needs for all types of panels
3. European Norm EN 326-1 (1994) Wood based panels: sampling, cutting, control. Part 1: specimens sampling and cutting and reporting of test results
4. Garcia R, Pizzi A (1998) Cross-linked and entanglement networks in thermomechanical analysis of polycondensation resins. J Appl Polymer Sci 70:1111–1116
5. German standard DIN 68763 (1982) Spanplatte: Flachpressplatten für das Bauwesen