1. Augusta U (2007) Untersuchung der natürlichen Dauerhaftigkeit wirtschaftlich bedeutender Holzarten bei verschiedener Beanspruchung im Außenbereich. (Natural durability of European wood species in different use classes) (In German): Doctoral thesis, University Hamburg, Faculty of Mathematics, Informatics and Natural Sciences, Department Biology, Germany
2. AWPA E9 (2013) Standard field test for the evaluation of wood preservatives to be used above ground (UC3A and UC3B): L-joint test. American Wood Protection Association. Birmingham, USA
3. AWPA E16 (2013) Standard field test for evaluation of wood preservatives to be used above ground (UC3B): horizontal lap-joint test. American Wood Protection Association. Birmingham, USA
4. AWPA E18 (2013) Standard field test for evaluation of wood preservatives to be used above ground (UC3B), ground proximity decay test. American Wood Protection Association. Birmingham, USA
5. AWPA E25 (2013) Standard field test for evaluation of wood preservatives to be used above ground (UC3B): decking test. American Wood Protection Association. Birmingham, USA