1. Abaelardus, P. 1970. In Dialectica, ed. L. M. de Rijk. Assen: Van Gorcum.
2. Aristotle, 1991a. Generation of Animals. In The complete works of Aristotle, vol. I, ed. J. Barnes. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
3. Aristotle, 1991b. Metaphysics. In The complete works of Aristotle, vol. II, ed. J. Barnes. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
4. Aristotle, 1991c. Posterior analytics. In The complete works of Aristotle, vol. I, ed. J. Barnes. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
5. Aristotle, 1991d. Prior Analytics. In The complete works of Aristotle, vol. I, ed. J. Barnes. Princeton: Princeton University Press.