Nicoloso Sara,Sales Maria Loredana
Reference28 articles.
1. C. Arbib, M. Lucertini, S. Nicoloso: Optimal design of programmed Logic Arrays — Rep. no. 0188, Univ. of Rome "La Sapienza", Dip. Informatica e Sistemistica, (1988).
2. C. Arbib, S. Nicoloso: Tecniche probabilistiche per la decomposizione ottima di Matrici Logiche Programmabili — Proc. Giornate AIRO (1988).
3. E.H.L. Arts, P. van Laarhoven: Simulated Annealing: theory and applications — D. Reidel Pub. Co. (1987).
4. D.D. Caviglia, V. Piuri, M. Santomauro: About folded-PLA area and folding evaluation — Integration, 5 (1987) pp. 193–215.
5. G. De Micheli, A. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli: Multiple constrained folding of programmable logic arrays: theory and applications — IEEE Trans. on CAD, vol. CAD-2, 3 (1983) pp.151–168.