1. 1849Sch: A. Schrotter.Ber. Wien. Akad., 2, 301–306 (1849) as cited in [Hansen]. (Pressure; Experimental)
2. 1897Gra: A. Granger, “The Action of Phosphorus on Gold”,Compt. Rend., 124, 498–499 (1897) in French. (Pressure; Experimental)
3. Indicates key paper31Har: H. Haraldsen and W. Blitz, “Contribution to the Doctrine of Systematic Affinity. LIII. The Affinity of Phosphorus for Gold and Silver”,Z. Elektrochem., 37(8/9), 502–508 (1931) in German. (Pressure; Experimental)
4. 32Har: H. Haraldsen, “The Transimetric Analysis of the Systems: Gold-Phosphorus, Silver-Phosphorus, and Copper-Phosphorus”,Skr. Nor. Videnskaps-Akad. Oslo, Mat. Naturv. Kl., (9), 1–63 (1932) in German. (Pressure; Experimental)
5. 54Sne: M.C. Sneed, J.L. Maynard, and R.C. Brasted,Comprehensive Inorganic Chemistry, Vol. 2, D. van Nostrand Co., Inc., 237 (1954). (Meta Phases; Review)