1. G. K. L'vov, Problems of Powder Metallurgy and Strength of Materials [in Russian],3, Kiev, Acad. Sci. UkrSSR Press (1956).
2. S. B. Ainbinder and é. F. Klokova, Zh. Tekhn. Fiz.,13, 2356 (1955).
3. S. B. Ainbinder and é. F. Klokova, Collection: Dry Friction [in Russian], Riga, Acad. Sci. LatvSSR Press (1961).
4. P. Evans and G. Smith, Powder Metallurgy, N 3, 1 (1959).
5. P. V. Bridgman, New Researches in the Field of High Pressures [Russian translation], Moscow, IL (1948), p. 144.