1. Agnesi V, Macaluso T, Monteleone S, Pipitone G (1978) Espansioni laterali (lateral spread) nella Sicilia occidentale. Geologia Applicata e Idrogeologia 13:319–326
2. ASTM D 854-92. Standard test method for specific gravity of soils. Annual Book of ASTM. Standards, Vol. 04.08
3. ASTM D 2216-92. Standard test method for laboratory determination of water (moisture) content of soil and rock. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol. 04.08
4. ASTM D4318-95. Standard method for liquid limit, plastic limit and plasticity index of soils. Annual Book of ASTM standards, Vol. 04.08
5. ASTM 4767-88. Standard test method for consolidated-undrained triaxial compression test on cohesive soils. Annual Book of ASTM standards, Vol. 04.08