1. G. M. Lomize, A. L. Kryzhanovskii, and É. I. Vorontsov, "Investigation of strain and strength patterns in soils in the three-dimensional stress state," Report at the 7th Congress on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering [in Russian], Stroiizdat, Moscow (1969).
2. M. V. Malyshev and A. D. Fradis, "Strength of sandy soil in plane deformation," in: Foundation Beds, Foundations, and Soil Mechanics. Data of the 3rd All-Union Conference [in Russian], Budivel'nik, Kiev (1971).
3. N. A. Tsytovich, Soil Mechanics [in Russian], Gosstroiizdat, Moscow (1963).
4. G. M. Lomize, A. L. Kryzhanovskii, and V. F. Petryanin, "Investigation of patterns in the development of the stress-strain state of a sandy foundation bed in plane deformation," Osnovaniya, Fundamenty i Mekhan. Gruntov, No. 1 (1972).
5. A. L. Kryzhanovskii, Author's Certificate No. 211849, No. 8 (1968);