1. Reiter, E. R.: Atmospheric Transport Processes, Part 2: Chemical Tracers. U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, Division of Technical Information, TID-25 314, 382 pp., 1971.
2. Reiter, E. R.: The Transport of Radioactive Debris and Ozone From the Stratosphere to the Ground. Report to Stanford Research Institute, 36 pp., 22 November 1975.
3. Reiter, E. R.: On the Correlation Between Cosmogenic Be-7 and Ozone. Report to Stanford Research Institute, 19 pp., 23 December, 1975.
4. Reiter, E. R.: Significance of Stratospheric Ozone for Ground-Level Ozone Concentrations. Report to Stanford Research Institute, 15 pp., 17 April, 1976.
5. Reiter, E. R.: Ozone Concentrations in the Lower Troposphere as Revealed by Ozonesonde Observations. Report to Stanford Research Institute, 106 pp., 26 March, 1976.