1. M. O. Rabin and D. Scott, ?Finite automata and their decision problems,? IBM Journal, pp. 114?125, April, 1959.
2. A. Rozenberg, ?On n-tape finite state acceptors,? in: Switch, Circuit Theory and Logic Design, N. Y. Inst. Electr. and Electron. Engrs., Inc., 76?81, 1964.
3. S. Ginsburg, An Introduction to Mathematical Machines Theory, Addison Wesley Publ. Co., Inc., 1962.
4. M. A. Spivak, ?A new algorithm for abstract synthesis of automata,? in: Seminars on Cybernetics [in Russian], no. 3 (Automaton Theory), Kiev, 1963.
5. M. A. Spivak, ?An algorithm for synthesis of abstract automata for the expanded language of regular expressions,? Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, no. 1, 51?58, 1965.