1. APHA, 1971. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, 13th edn. Am. Public Health Assn., Washington, D.C., 874 pp
2. Augenfeld, J. M., 1960. A study of the ecological physiology and the respiratory enzymes of several Diptera. Univ. Wis.-Madison. Ph.D. Thesis. 73 pp
3. Bazzanti, M. & M.Seminara, 1987. Profundal macrobenthos structure as a measure of long-term environmental stress in a polluted lake. Wat. Air Soil Pollut.33: 435?442
4. Berg, K., 1938. Studies on the bottom animals of Esrom Lake. Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Nat. Math. AN. 9 Rk. 8. 255 pp
5. Birge, E. A. & C. Juday, 1911. The inland lakes of Wisconsin. The dissolved gases and their biological significance. Wis. Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv., Bull. 22, 259 pp