1. Alley, W. P., 1968. Ecology of the burrowing amphipod Pontoporeia affinis in Lake Michigan. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rept. 36. Ann Arbor, Michigan, 131 p
2. Alley, W. P. & S. C.Mozley, 1975. Seasonal abundance and spatial distribution of Lake Michigan macrobenthos, 1964?67. University of Michigan, Great Lakes Res. Div., Spec. Rept. 54, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 103 p
3. Baldwin, N. S., R. W.Saalfeld, M. A.Ross & H. J.Buettner, 1979. Commercial fish production in the Great Lakes 1867?1960. Tech. Rept. 3, Great Lakes Fish. Comm., Ann Arbor, Michigan, 187 p
4. Bartone, C. R. & C. L.Schelske, 1982. Lake-wide seasonal changes in limnological conditions in Lake Michigan in 1976. J. Great Lakes Res.8: 413?427
5. Proc. 8th. Conf. Great Lakes Res.;A. M. Beeton,1965