1. The predecessor federal agencies responsible for uranium resource assessment were the Office of U.S. Directed Operations (June–October 1947), the Atomic Energy Commission (October 1947–January 1975), and the Energy Research and Development Administration (January 1975–October 1977). The U.S. Department of Energy was established in October 1977.
2. Statistical Data of the Uranium Industry, GJO-100 (83) (Grand Junction, CO: U.S. Department of Energy, January 1, 1983), p. 14.
3. Uranium resource regions, as historically used for the aggregation and reporting of uranium resources information, are defined to be, in general, coextensive with the physiographic provinces of the contiguous United States. The Alaska resource region is coextensive with the State of Alaska.
4. J.A. Patterson, ERDA Forward Cost Concepts, Chapter 6, report prepared by the Panel on Concepts of Uranium Resources and Producibility, Board on Mineral and Energy Resources, Commission of Natural Resources, National Research Council, in Workshop on Concepts of Uranium Resources and Producibility (Washington, D.C.: National Academy of Sciences, 1978).
5. U.S. Atomic Energy Commission, Manual on Ore Reserve Procedures, unpublished manual (Grand Junction, CO: Production Evaluation Division, Grand Junction Operations Office, 1958), p. 3.