1. K.L. Murty, Materials Forum, 15 (1991), p. 217.
2. K.L. Murty, Creep Behavior of Advanced Materials for the 21st Century, ed. R.S. Misra, A.K. Mukherjee, and K.L. Murty (Warrendale, PA: TMS, 1999), pp. 285–294.
3. C.S. Cook et al., Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Ninth Symposium, ed. C.M. Eucken and A.M. Garde (Philadelphia, PA: ASTM STP 1132, 1991), p. 80.
4. K.L. Murty, Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: Eighth Symposium, ed. L.F.P. Van Swam and C.M. Euken (Philadelphia, PA: ASTM STP 1023, 1989), p. 570.
5. K.L. Murty, B.L. Adams, and D.L. Baty, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. on Metallic Corrosion (Madras, India: Trans. Tech. Pub. 1987).