1. J.S. Benjamin, Metall. Trans., 1 (1970), p. 2943.
2. J. Rösler and E. Arzt, Acta Metall., 38 (1990), p. 671.
3. R.F. Singer and E. Arzt, High Temp. Alloys for Gas Turbines and other Applications, ed. W. Betz et al. (Dordrecht, Netherlands: Reidel Publ. Company, 1986), p. 97.
4. B.A. Wilcox and A.H. Clauer, Acta Metall., 20 (1972), p. 743.
5. V. Banhardt, M. Nader, and E. Arzt, Metall. Mater. Trans., 26A (1995), p. 1067.