Identification of deep Czech Republic–Austria transboundary aquifer discharge and associated river chloride loading


Chroustová Kateřina,Říčka Adam,Pasternáková Bibiána,Kuchovský Tomáš,Rüde Thomas R.,Zeman Josef


AbstractThe deep transboundary aquifer of regional scale along the Czech Republic–Austria border in Central Europe serves as a thermal-mineral water resource for balneotherapy and plays an important role in the region’s development. The aquifer is composed mostly of Jurassic carbonates at depths from 160 to − 3000 masl. Despite more than two decades of exploitation, no complex analysis of groundwater flow directions and groundwater fluxes ever took place. Now, cross-border cooperation enabled the research team to gather crucial information on the Jurassic aquifer. For a better understanding of the groundwater flow system, a numerical model was developed. To simulate the effect of variable density and viscosity occurring in such a deep aquifer, the SEAWAT numerical model was used. The simulation shows that there is an inflow of low mineralised groundwater from the crystalline outcrops in the northwest and inflow of saline groundwater from southeast. Aquifer discharge was identified along the zone partly corresponding to the course of the Dyje River. To check the model’s accuracy, the river water was sampled together with streamflow measurements. Detected sections of increasing chloride concentration indicate zones of the Jurassic aquifer discharge into the Dyje River. The discharge rate of 85 L/s derived from streamflow and chloride concentrations matches the value computed by the model. The relatively high discharge of the Jurassic aquifer contributes significantly to the high chloride loading observed in the Dyje River.


Interreg HTPO

Masaryk University


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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