1. H.A. Enderton, A Mathematical Introduction to Logic, Academic Press, New York, 1972.
2. E. Kreyzig, Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications, John Wiley, New York, 1978.
3. F. Lin, “A note on optimal supervisory control,” Proc. 1991 IEEE Int. Symposium on Intelligence Contr., Arlington, Virginia, Aug.13–15, 1991, pp.227–232.
4. J.-Y. Lin and D. Ionescu, “Verifying a class of nondeterministic discrete event systems in a generalized temporal logic framework,” IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics, vol.22, no.6, pp.1461–1469, 1992.
5. J.-Y. Lin and D. Ionescu, “A Reachability Synthesis Procedure for Discrete Event Systems in A Temporal Logic Framework,” to appear in vol.23 of IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics.