1. E. M. Schulson:J. Nucl. Mater., 1974, vol. 50, p. 127.
2. D. J. Cameron and A. E. Unger: Report AECL-4662, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba, 1974; Ibid., AECL-4665, 1974.
3. E. V. Murphy and R. Wieler: Report AECL-4812, Atomic Energy of Canada Ltd., Pinawa, Manitoba, 1977.
4. A. R. Causey, V. Fidleris, H. E. Rosinger, E. M. Schulson, and V. F. Urbanic: ASTM STP 633, A. L. Lowe and G. W. Parry, eds., p. 437, American Society for Testing Materials, 1977.
5. E. M. Schulson:J. Nucl. Mater., 1974, vol. 50, p. 127;Ibid, 1977, vol. 66, p. 322.