1. Aves, G. (1969) The Voluntary Worker in the Social Services, Bedford Square Press and Allen & Unwin, London.
2. Barker, D. (1993) ‘Values and volunteering’, in J. Davis Smith (ed.) Volunteering in Europe: Opportunities and Challenges for the 90s, Volunteer Centre UK, Berkhamsted. (See also D. Barker, L. Halman and A. Vloet (1992) The European Values Study 1981–1990, Gordon Cook Foundation, London.)
3. Billis, D. (1989) A Theory of the Voluntary Sector: Implications for Policy and Practice, Working Paper no. 5, Centre for Voluntary Organisation, London School of Economics, London.
4. Blackseil, S. and D. Phillips (1994) Paid to Volunteer, Volunteer Centre UK, London.
5. Brech, E.F.L. (1967) Management, Its Nature and Significance, Isaac Pitman.