1. Antonelli, E., Principes d’Economie Pure, Riviere, Paris (1914).
2. Aupetit, A., Essai sur la Théorie Générale de la Monnaie, Guillaumin et Cie., Paris (1901).
3. Jaffé, W., ‘Collation of Editions’, in [17].
4. Kuenne, R., ‘Walras, Leontief and the Interdependence of Economic Activities’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 68 (1954), pp. 232–54. Reprinted as Chanter 1 in this volume.
5. Kuenne, R., ‘Wafras, Leontief, and the Interdependence of Economic Activities: Comment’, Quarterly Journal of Economics, 69 (1955), pp. 631–6.