1. Full historical details of the introduction of psychoactive drugs into psychiatry are to be found in Ban, T. A. (1969) Psychopharmacology (Baltimore: Williams and Wilking Co.).
2. Leake, C. D. (1958) The Amphetamines (Springfield: Charles C. Thomas).
3. Ban, Psychopharmacology (note 1).
4. Hanlon, L. W., Romaine, M. III., Gilroy, F. J. and Deitrick, J. E. (1949) ‘Lithium chloride as a substitute for sodium chloride in the diet. Observations on its toxicity,’ Journal of the American Medical Association, 139, 688–92.
5. Radomski, J. L., Fuyat, H. N., Nelson, A. A. and Smith, P. K. (1950) ‘The toxic effects, excretion and distribution of lithium chloride’, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, 100, 429–44.