1. Quoted in Steven Lagerfeld, “Europhoria,” Wilson Quarterly 14 (Winter 1990): 66.
2. Karl Kaiser et al. (eds.), The European Community: Progress or Decline? (London: Royal Institute of International Affairs [RIIA], 1983), p. 1.
3. Christopher Tugendhat, “How to Get Europe Moving Again,” International Affairs 61 (winter 1990): 421.
4. Quoted in Werner Feld, West Germany and the European Community: Changing Interests and Competing Policy Objectives (New York: Praeger, 1981), p. 55
5. For details of the Greek application and negotiations, see Frances Nicholson and Roger East, From the Six to the Twelve: The Enlargement of the European Community (Chicago: St. James Press, 1987), pp. 181–206.