1. L. Althusser, and E. Balibar, Reading Capital (London: N.L.B., 1970).
2. W. E. Armstrong, Rossell Island (Cambridge University Press, 1928).
3. P. Baran, ‘The political economy of backwardness’, in R. I. Rhodes (ed.), Imperialism and Underdevelopment (London, 1968).
4. L. Baric, ‘Some aspects of credit, saving and investment in a “non monetary” economy’ (Rossel Island), in R. Firth and B. S. Yamey (eds), Capital,Saving and Credit in Peasant Societies (London: Allen & Unwin, 1964).
5. T. Barnett, The Gezira Scheme (N.J.: Frank Cass, 1977).