1. World Bank, World Development Report 1985 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1985) Table 4.8, p. 152.
2. Eddy Lee, ‘Export-Led Industrialisation in Asia: An Overview’, in Eddy Lee (ed.) Export-Led Industrialisation and Development (Geneva: International Labour Organisation, 1981) p. 2.
3. As cited in Clive Hamilton, ‘Capitalist Industrialisation in Asia’s Four Little Tigers’, Journal of Contemporary Asia, 13 (1), 1983, p. 56.
4. Donald B. Keesing, ‘Outward-Looking Policies and Economic Development’, The Economic Journal, 77 (306), 1967, pp. 303–20.
5. Anne O. Krueger, ‘Export-Led Industrial Growth Reconsidered’, in W. Hong and L. B. Krause (eds) Trade and Growth of the Advanced Developed Countries in the Pacific Basin (Seoul: Korea Development Institute, 1981) p. 5.