1. BLUM, R.H. Society and Drugs. San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 1969. —interesting.
2. BRECHER, E. M., and Consumer Reports, eds., Licit and Illicit Drugs. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart, 1972. —the best single reference as of the date published.
3. CROWLEY, T. J. “The Reinforcers for Drug Abuse: Why People Take Drugs”. Comprehen. Psychiat. 13: 51–62, 1972. —shows multiple reasons for drug abuse.
4. FORT. J. The Pleasure Seekers: The Drug Crisis, Youth, and Society. New York, Grove Press, 1970. —a fascinating, iconoclastic view of the drug world.
5. GOLDSTEIN, A. “Heroin Addiction and the Role of Methadone in Its Treatment”. Arch. Gen. Psychiat. 26: 291–97, 1972. —excellent in its sphere.