1. R.E. SHANNON (1985) Simulation: The Art and the Science, Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs, NJ)
2. R.G. HANNAM (1985) Alternatives in the design of flexible manufacturing systems for prismatic parts, Proc Inst Mach Engrs, 199, B2, p 111–119.
3. J.E. LENZ (1983) MAST: a simulation tool for designing computerised metalworking factories, Simulation, 40, 2, February, pp 51–58.
4. A.J. CLEMENTSON (1982) ECSL USERS MANUAL, CLE-COM Ltd., (Birmingham, UK).
5. A.A.B. PRITSKER and C.D. PEGDEN (1979) Introduction to simulation and SLAM Halstead Press (New York, NY) and Systems Publishing Corp (West Lafayette, IN).