1. D. Smith and R. Smith, The Economics of Militarism (London: Pluto Press, 1983), p. 23.
2. J. Tobin, The New Economics One Decade Older (Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974), pp. 41–51.
3. S. Melman, The Permanent War Economy: American Capitalism in Decline (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1985), pp. 140–1.
4. F. Engels, ‘Can Europe Disarm?’ (1893), pp. 810–32 of O. Henderson, The Life of Friedrich Engels, volume II (London: Cass, 1976).
5. K. Kautsky, ‘Altere und Neuere Kolonialpolitik’, Die Neue Zeit, 16, 1897–8, p. 781;