Vertical Integration and Political Control


Nelson Daniel N.


Palgrave Macmillan UK

Reference28 articles.

1. These aims for local political institutions are a paraphrase of Todor Zhivkov, ‘Report of the Central Committee to the Eleventh Congress of the Bulgarian Communist Party’, By and For the People (New York: New World Review Press, 1977) p. 84.

2. Nicolae Ceausescu can be seen making almost identical statements in ‘Cuvintare lâ plenarâ Comitetului Central al Partidului Comunist Român din 28 Februar-2 Martie, 1973’ in România pe drumul construirii societatii socialiste multilateral dezvoltate, vol. 8 (Bucuresti: Editurâ politica, 1973). Gierek, former Polish leader, provides similar expressions as reported in Trybuna Ludu 13 May 1975.

3. Stanislaw Gebert, W.Cadze i Administracja Terenowa po Reformie (Warszawa: Ksigzka i Wiedza, 1976) p. 18.

4. Waclaw Dawidowicz, Zarys Ustroju Organ6w Administracji Terytorialnej w Polsce (Warszawa: g Panstwowe Wydawnictwo Naukowe, 1976) pp. 10–11.

5. Polish United Workers’ Party (PUWP). I Krajowa Konferencja PZPR 22–23 Pazdziernika 1973 r. Warszawa (Warszawa: 1973) p. 227.







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