1. Felix Schuster, ‘Foreign Trade and the Money Market’, Journal of the Institute of Bankers, XXV, 2 (Feb. 1904) p. 120.
2. D. C. M. Platt, Foreign Finance in Continental Europe and the USA, 1815–1870: Quantities, Origins, Functions and Distribution (1984).
3. A. T. K. Grant, A Study of the Capital Market in Britain from 1919–1936 (2nd edn 1967) p. 120.
4. Minutes of Evidence, Report of the Committee on Finance and Industry, vol. 1 (HMSO, 1931) Q. 4279.
5. J. A. Hobson, An Economic Interpretation of Investment (1911) p. 61, although Hobson, who drew heavily on Paish (1911), realised that Paish was talking about an aggregate.