1. Tsoukalis, The New European Economy (Oxford, 2nd edn, 1993) pp. 47–55.
2. For example, see W. Dekker, Europe-1990 (Eindhoven 1980). This was a report published by the President of Phillips calling for a programme to create a single market for Europe.
3. For a detailed analysis see M. Shackleton, ‘The Delors II Budget Package’, Journal of Common Market Studies, The European Community in 1992-Annual Review of Activities, 31 (August 1993).
4. For further analysis of the IGC and the SEA see J. Lodge, ‘The Single European Act: Towards a new Euro-Dynamism’, Journal of Common Market Studies, 24, no. 3 (March 1986); J. W. De Zwann, ‘The Single European Act: Conclusion of a Unique Document’, Common Market Law Review, 23 (1986) and A. Moravcsik, ‘Negotiating the SEA: National Interest and Conventional Statecraft in the European Community’, International Organisation, 45 (Winter 1991).
5. Commission of the ECs, Completing the Internal Market: White Paper from the Commission to the European Council (Luxembourg, June 1985). This was produced under the auspices of Lord Cockfield, the then senior British Commissioner; consequently he is widely regarded as, in some sense, the architect of the SMP and so the White Paper often bears his name.