1. DICKINSON, G. R., ‘Experience in the Machining of Ultra High Strength Steels,’ Proc. 10th Intern. MTDR Conf (1969).
2. BARROW, G., ‘The Wear of Carbide Tools During Hot Machining of Alloy Steels,’ Proc. 7th Intern. MTDR Conf. (1966).
3. TAYLOR, F. W., ‘On the Art of Cutting Metals,’ Trans. A.S.M.E., 28, (1907).
4. U.S.A.F. Report No. AD 220540, U.S. Dept. of Commerce.
5. COLDING, B. N., ‘Machinability of Metals and Machining Costs.’ Intern. J. MTDR, 1 (1961).