1. P. Johnson, Intellectuals (London, 1988).
2. B-H. Lévy, Eloge des intellectuels (Paris, 1987).
3. B-H. Lévy, Les Aventures de la liberté (Paris, 1991).
4. A. Finkelkraut, La Défaite de la pensée (Paris, 1987). This work has been translated as The Undoing of Thought (London, 1988).
5. See in particular M. Foucault, ‘Truth and Power’, in C. Gordon (ed.), Michel Foucault: Power/Knowledge: Selected Interviews and Other Writings 1972–77 (Brighton, 1980) pp. 109–33. First published in Italian, the French version of this interview appeared in L’Arc, 70, 1977.