1. Zdenek Červenka and Barbara Rogers, The Nuclear Axis: Secret Collaboration between West Germany and South Africa (London: Julian Friedmann, 1978) pp. 42, 59;
2. A. R. Newby-Fraser, Chain Reaction: Twenty Years of Nuclear Research and Development in South Africa (Pretoria: Atomic Energy Board, 1979) p. 193.
3. J. E. Spence, ‘The Republic of South Africa: Proliferation and the Politics of “Outward Movement”’, in Robert M. Lawrence and Joel Larus (eds), Nuclear Proliferation PHASE II (Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1974) p. 221.
4. George Quester, The Politics of Nuclear Proliferation (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973) p. 200.
5. Ashok Kapur, International Nuclear Proliferation: Multilateral Diplomacy and Regional Aspects (London: Praeger, 1979) p. 241.