1. J. F. Coales, and J. D. S. Rawlinson, ‘The Development of Naval Radar, 1935–45’, Parts I and II, CAC NRT, ND1 and ND2.
2. A. B. Wood, ‘From Board of Invention and Research to the Royal Naval Scientific Service’, CAC, NRT.
3. A. B. Wood, Ibid.
4. H. D. House, Radar at Sea: The Royal Navy in World War II (Macmillan, 1993). Appendix C, by the author of the present Monograph, describes the development of Height-Determination techniques more fully, and contains several more references.
5. C. Domb and M. H. L. Pryce, ‘The Calculation of Field Strengths Over a Spherical Earth’, Journal IEE, Vol. 94, Part III (1947), Pg. 326 et seq.