1. George Laking, ‘The Evolution of an Independent Foreign Policy’ in J. Henderson, K. Jackson and R. Kennaway (eds) Beyond New Zealand (Auckland: Methuen, 1980) p. 10.
2. Michal Shamir, ‘Are Western Party Systems “Frozen”?’, Comparative Political Studies, vol. 17 (1984) p. 70.
3. Bruce Grant, ‘Australian Foreign Policy in the 1970s’, New Zealand and Australia, Foreign Policy in the 1970s, (Wellington: Price Milburn for the New Zealand Institute of International Affairs, 1970) p. 49.
4. Quoted in Keith Sinclair, Walter Nash (Auckland: Oxford University Press, 1976) p. 202.
5. Hon. Norman Kirk, New Zealand in the World of the 1970s, (Wellington: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 1973) p. 3.