1. D. Cope, New Directions in Music (Dubuque, 5/1989), 45f.
2. The content and structure of this discussion of technology draw heavily on H. Davies’s ‘Electronic Music: History and Development’, in Dictionary of Contemporary Music, ed. J. Vinton (New York, 1974).
3. The first, seminal experiments using computers to write music, are described in a pioneering book: L. Hiller and L. Isaacson, Experimental Music (New York, 1959).
4. Good contemporary overviews of 1950s and 60s technology are in E. Schwartz, Electronic Music: a Listener’s Guide (New York, 1973),
5. and J. A. Appleton and R. C. Perera, The Development and Practice of Electronic Music (Englewood Cliffs, 1975).