1. T. A. Dean (1970). A preliminary warm forging essay. Proc. 11th Int. MTDR Conf., 779–801
2. A. K. Cruden and J. F. Thomson (1970). Extrusion pressures, press loads and tool stresses for the warm extrusion of steel. NEL Report, No. 456 (June)
3. T. A. Dean and C. R. Anderton (1974). ‘An examination of some aspects of warm forging production. Int. J. MTDR, 14, 1–12
4. Lubricants for warm extrusion. PERA Report 217 (1970)
5. H. Kaiser (1972). Investigation into the possibilities of testing lubricants for cold and warm extrusion of steel. Proc. 13th MTDR Conf., 555–58.