1. See the discussion in Richard Kuisel, Capitalism and the State in Modern France (New York, 1981).
2. It should be noted, however, that Vichy’s planning was authoritarian and bureaucratic, while Monnet’s system was consultative and consensual: see Henri Rousso, ‘Le Plan, objet d’historire’, Sociologie du Travail (March 1985), 239–50.
3. Phillippe Mioche, Le Plan Monnet: Genése et Elaboration (Paris, 1985) 47–52.
4. Francois Bloch-Lainé et Jean Bouview, La France Restaurée 1944–54: Diologue sur les choix d’une modernisation (Paris, 1986) 76–89.
5. Alan Milward, The Reconstruction of Western Europe, 1945–51 (London, 1984) 38–62.