1. Agosto, P. (1980) La semantica del potere, PhD thesis (Sheffield City Polytechnic).
2. Agosto, P. (1981) ‘The Language of Mussolini’, The Italianist, i, pp.60–81. Republished in partly recast form as ‘Mussolini: strumentalizzazione e desemantizzazione di lessemi marxisti’, in Various authors, 1984, pp. 15–23.
3. Almirante, G. (1975) Perché voterai cosi (Rome: MSI)
4. Arasse, D. (1984) ‘Annonciation/Enonciation. Remarques sur un énoncé pictural du Quattrocento’, Versus, xxxvii, pp.3–17.
5. Barthes, R. (1977) ‘Rhetoric of the Image’, in S. Heath (ed. and transi.), Image — Music — Text (Glasgow: Fontana/Collins) pp. 32–51.