1. For an overview see, M. A. Elliott (ed.), Chemistry of Coal Utilisation (New York: Wiley, 1980)
2. I. Berkovitch, Coal—energy and chemical storehouse (Redhill, UK: Portcullis Press, 1979)
3. G. J. Pitt and G. R. Millward (ed.) Coal and Modern Coal Processing (London: Academic Press, 1979)
4. Office of Technology Assessment, The Direct Use of Coal (Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office, 1979)
5. A. L. Dainton, ‘The combustion of coal’, in G. J. Pitt and G. R. Millward, op. cit.; A. Culp, Principles of Energy Conversion (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1979).