1. Useful critical discussions of the international trade theory of “comparative costs” are to be found in F. Clairmonte, Economic Liberalism and Underdevelopment (New Delhi: 1960);
2. T. Szentes, The Political Economy of Underdevelopment (Budapest: 1971);
3. and A. Emmanuel, Unequal Exchange (New York: Monthly Review Press, 1972).
4. In contrast to the 1950s, when the notion of an “Afro-Asian” bloc was more prevalent. On the character of dependency theory as a response to the crisis of “inner-directed” development in Latin America, see T. Dos Santos, “The Crisis of Development Theory and the Problem of Dependency in Latin America,” in H. Bernstein, ed., Underdevelopment and Development (Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1973);
5. D. Booth, “Andre Gunder Frank: An Introduction and Appreciation,” in I. Oxaal, A. Barnett, and D. Booth, eds., Beyond the Sociology of Development (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1975); and P. O’Brien, “A Critique of Latin American Theories of Dependency,” in ibid.