1. Armstrong, J. (1985) Sizewell Report: A New Approach for Major Public Inquiries ( Town and Country Planning Association, London).
2. Carvel, J. (1983) ‘Sir Frank’s Nuclear Balancing Act’, Guardian, 11 January, p. 15.
3. Department of the Environment (1987) Planning: Appeals, Call-In and Major Public Inquiries. The Government’s Response to the Report from the Environment Com-mittee, Session 1985–96, Cm 43. (HMSO, London).
4. Environment Committee (1986) Planning: Appeals, Call-In and Major Public Inquiries. HC Paper 181 ( HMSO, London ).
5. Franks, D. (1957) Report of the Commission on Administrative Tribunals and Inquiries. Cmnd 218 ( HMSO, London ).