1. Charles Curran, Code or Conscience? (BBC Publications, 1970).
2. Everett C. Hughes, ‘Work and Self,’ in J. H. Rohrer and Muzafer Sherif (eds.), Social Psychology at the Crossroads (Harper & Row, 1951); repr. in Hughes, The Sociological Eye (Aldine Atherton, 1971) p. 340.
3. W. J. Reader, Professional Man: the Rise of the Professional Classes in Nineteenth Century England (Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1966).
4. Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations (1776); ed. E. Cannan (Modern Library, 1937) p. 3.
5. Everett C. Hughes, Men and their Work (Free Press, 1958) pp. 78, 79, 79–80.