1. The following is a sample of recent work: T. Rakowska-Harmstone, ‘The Dialectics of Nationalism in the USSR’, Problems of Communism, vol. 23 (1974) pp. 1–22;
2. I. Kamenetsky (ed.), Nationalism and Human Rights (Littleton, USA, 1977);
3. R. Szporluk, ‘The Nations of the USSR in 1970’, Survey, vol. 16 (1971) pp. 67–91, also ‘Nationalities and the Russian Problem in the USSR’, Journal of International Affairs, vol. 27 (1973) pp. 23–40;
4. Z. Katz et al. (eds), Handbook of Major Soviet Nationalities (New York, 1975);
5. G. W. Simmond (ed.), Nationalism in the USSR and Eastern Europe (Detroit, 1977).