Mainland-Archipelagic Parallels and Contrasts, c.1750–1850


Lieberman Victor


Palgrave Macmillan UK

Reference56 articles.

1. Furnivall, Colonial Policy and Practice (New York: New York UP, 1956), pp. 303–12.

2. Reid, Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce 1450–1680, 2 vols (New Haven, Conn.: Yale UP, 1988, 1993).

3. A notable exception is David K. Wyatt, ‘The eighteenth century in Southeast Asia’, JAS, forthcoming. For national studies, see Victor Lieberman, Burmese Administrative Cycles (Princeton, NJ: Princeton UP, 1984), Chs 3–5;

4. Akin Rabibhadana, The Organization of Thai Society in the Early Bangkok Period, 1782–1873 (Ithaca, NY: Cornell Southeast Asia Program, 1969), esp. Chs 2, 9;

5. Nguyen Thanh Nha, Tableau économique du Vietnam aux XVII et XVIII siècles (Paris: Editions Cujas, 1970);

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1. LIEBERMAN, Victor B[enet];Handbook of Southeast Asian Studies;2024

2. LIEBERMAN, Victor B[enet];Handbook of Southeast Asian Studies;2024

3. Confrontation and Coexistence in 16th - to 18th - Century Asia;Nature and Human Communities;2004







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