1. Michael J. Heffernan, ‘A French Colonial Controversy: Captain Roudaire and the Saharan Sea, 1872–83’, Maghreb Review, 13:3-4 (1988), 145–59.
2. Gilles Sautter, ‘Notes sur la construction du chemin de fer Congo-Océan (1921–1934)’, Cahiers d’études africaines, 7 (1967), 219–99.
3. See, for example, Hubert Bonin, ‘Le Comptoir national d’escompte de Paris, une banque impériale (1848–1940)’, Revue française d’histoire d’outre-mer, 78 (1991), 477–97.
4. Meuleau, Des Pionniers; Charles Robequain, The Economic Development of French Indo-China, trs Isabel A. Ward (London, 1944); Irene Norland, ‘The French Empire, the colonial state in Vietnam and economic policy: 1885–1940’, Australian Economic History Review, 31:1 (1991), 72–89