1. Gilbert, M. and Jaszi, G. 1944. National product and income statistics as an aid in economic problems. Dun’s Review. Reprinted in Readings in the Theory of Income Distribution, ed. W. Fellner and B.F. Haley, Philadelphia: Blakiston, for the American Economic Association, 1946.
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3. Gilbert, M. et al. 1958. Comparative National Products and Price Levels. Paris: Organization of European Economic Cooperation.
4. Kravis, I.B., Heston, A. and Summers, R. 1982. World Product and Income. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, for the World Bank.
5. Kuznets, S. 1933. National income. Encyclopedia of the Social Sciences. Reprinted in Readings in the Theory of Income Distribution, ed. W. Fellner and B.F. Haley, Philadelphia: Blakiston, for the American Economic Association, 1946.