1. Arrow, K. J. (1951) (new edn 1963) Social Choice and Individual Values, New York; John Wiley.
2. Arrow, K. J. (1969) ‘The Organization of Economic Activity: Issues Pertinent to the Choice of Market Versus Nonmarket Allocation’, in US Congress, Joint Economic Committee, The Analysis and Evaluation of Public Expenditures: The PPB System, vol. 1, Washington: GPO, pp. 47–66.
3. Arrow, K. J. (1971) Essays in the Theory of Risk-Bearing, Amsterdam: North-Holland.
4. Arrow, K. J. (1974a) ‘Limited Knowledge and Economic Analysis’, American Economic Review, 64 (March): 1–10.
5. Arrow, K. J. (1974b) ‘General Economic Equilibrium: Purpose, Analytic Techniques, Collective Choice’, American Economic Review, 64 (June): 253–72.