1. H. Hyman, Political Socialization (The Free Press, 1959 ).
2. F. Greenstein, ‘A Note on the Ambiguity of “Political Socialization”: Definitions, Criticisms, and Strategies of Inquiry’, Journal of Politics, vol. 32 (1970) pp. 969–70.
3. J. Dennis, ‘Future Work on Political Socialization’, in J. Dennis (ed.), Socialization to Politics, ed. J. Dennis (John Wiley and Sons, 1973 ) pp. 493–4.
4. For a biting critique of this view of man and society see D. Wrong, ‘The Oversocialized Conception of Man in Modern Sociology’, American Sociological Review, vol. 26 (1961) pp. 183–93.
5. G. A. Almond, ‘A Functional Approach to Comparative Politics’, in The Politics of Developing Areas, eds G. Almond and J. Coleman (Princeton University Press, 1960 ) pp. 3–64;