1. Allen, G. H. (1970). The constructive use of sewage with particular reference to fish culture. FAO (1970) Seminar … 26 pp., illustr.
2. Aubert, M., Aubert, J., Donnier, B. & Barelli, M. (1970). Utilization of the trophodynamic chain in the study of the toxicity of chemically-polluted waste water. FAO (1970) Seminar … 8 pp.
3. Blackwood, G. M. (1970). Canadian experience on sewage pollution of coastal waters: effect on fish-plant water supplies. FAO (1970) Seminar … 14 pp., illustr.
4. Blumer, M. (1970). Oil contamination and the living resources of the sea. FAO (1970) Seminar …11 pp.
5. Bourne, W. R. P. (1970). Oil pollution and bird conservation. Biological Conservation, 2(4). pp. 300–2.